Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Meghan's Pimiento Cheese

The first time I made this I was skeptical about its simplicity, but now I'm a believer. I tried lots of other recipes for pimiento cheese, all of them more complicated, and although I thought they were good, the input effort difference did not match the output taste difference.


Block of cheddar cheese
brown spicy mustard
pimientos (small jar), drained
hot sauce(if desired)
jalapenos (if desired)


Finely shred the cheese yourself. You can use the preshredded stuff, but don't cheap out and buy that thickly shredded taco salad day at the school cafeteria looking cheese. I bought that one time, and I think they put some kind of plastic coating on it, because it never blended.

Mix in some mayo, mix in some mustard. Pimientos. Salt and pepper. The end.

For real.

This is the easiest recipe ever. Go slowly adding in the mayo/mustard, as it gets to be too much quickly. Spice with the peppers and tabasco to taste, but really you don't need it.

Serve with rice crackers.


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